
Copy Paste In DOS Command Prompt Using Mouse

Copy Paste In DOS Command Prompt Using Mouse

Copy/Paste in the DOS and Command Console is not easy. First you have to do the right-click and then select the data and then again do the right click and then paste the data. Now, in this post we will see the easier way that will allow the copy paste using the mouse.
After the trick, You will be able to select the data by highlighting the area by mouse and hitting the ‘Enter’ button will copy that highlighted area. To paste the copied thing, just right click the mouse and that will paste the thing.
Follow the Below steps to configure the Console.
1. Open a Command Prompt/Command Console.
2. Right-click on the title bar.
3. Select Properties.
4. Select QuickEdit Mode.
5. Select Save Properties for future windows with same title if you want to make this a permanent change. Select Apply Properties for current window only if you only want to enable QuickEdit for this session.
6. Click OK.